Brian Kinch F.ISRM

Director of Risk Management
Ecosystem Risk, Visa

Brian has over 30 years of corporate experience, predominately discharging roles in the domestic and international financial services profession, including senior roles with HSBC, Visa International and Lloyds Banking Group. He has a wealth of consulting expertise from leading the Fair Isaac (FICO) Global Fraud Consulting team, across multiple financial sectors in a risk, continuity and resilience context.

Brian was one the of founder members of the MIDAS Alliance, a collaboration of senior stakeholders in the Information Security community, looking to forge a new approach in the face of changing regulation and the need for authentication innovation. He has been a Board member and also Business Development Director for the firm, helping to create the BSI Publicly Available Specification 499, and continues to deal in an advisory context only. MIDAS Alliance’s key aim is to develop and promote an international standard for digital identification and authentication of individuals and organisations to enable them to trust each other’s online identity.

Brian is accredited by the Institute of Risk Management as a Registered Risk Practitioner, and by the Business Continuity Institute as a founder member of two of the UK Forums and a mentor. A regular and recognised presence on the international consulting circuit, Brian is regularly sought as a consultant, conference presenter and media commentator.

In his current role with Visa International, Brian is responsible for the public face of Visa's European Ecosystem Risk and all risk client activities including specialist advice, consultancy, Risk Executive Councils, risk product leads and Security Summits. He also deals with merchants, regulators, and government, industry and media engagements.