The Satish Dhawan Foundation Scholarship Programme

The Satish Dhawan Foundation has been established to give opportunities to Indian researchers in all aspects of strategic risk and crisis management. They will be able to benefit from being part of a global programme, whilst at the same time making a significant contribution to understanding the challenges that India is facing, and the range of solutions that will need to be developed in order to engage with them in a meaningful way.

The programme consists of fully-funded access for ten successful candidates a year to a two-year programme involving two academic courses, both of which are regulated by the UK government Office of Qualifications (Ofqual). They appear on the official Register of Qualifications and carry full academic and professional accreditation.




Candidates will be involved in some aspect of strategic risk and crisis management activity. This can be academic, professional, policy-making, journalism, consultancy or any other approach that would allow the candidate to demonstrate that they would benefit from the Foundation programme, but would also make a contribution on a local, national, regional or global level both through their enrolment on the programme and through potential future activities.

In most circumstances candidates would be expected to have a previous academic qualification, though not necessarily in risk, crisis management or associated subjects. This would give a grounding in academic reading research and writing, but is not an absolute pre-requisite.

Candidates would be under thirty-five years of age on the starting date of the programme.



Candidates would need to complete the application form, and to complete two short reports. Full instructions are given at the website.



All candidates will be informed as to whether they have been successful or not by email. The decision of the Selection Committee is final.



Successful candidates will be given a full on-boarding pack. Once the programme has started, candidates will be expected to maintain academic discipline in terms of the completion of assignments. In the event that an assignment is failed, there will be full opportunity to retake that assignment.

Failure to compete two assignments in the required periods will lead to a review,and possible dismissal from the course. Candidates will be given full access to the ISRM library, as well as to other academic and professional activities hosted or facilitated by the ISRM.


>> More about the programme

>> Application form & instructions

Completed forms and papers should be submitted to