The ISRM is already represented on two UK standards panels, Continuity and Resilience (CAR / 1) and Risk Management (RM / 1).
The Management Team of the Standards SIG is made up of four members of the Global Advisory Council who have extensive experience of global standards development.
Kev Brear F.ISRM, Co-Chair of the Standards SIG, is the UK Project Team Leader for ISO Crisis Management Standard ISO 22361. He has played an active part of the multi-stage development process that has led to the current Standard, and is the only person that has served on all of the CM standard development panels, from the original BS 25999 to the current ISO22361.
He is also the Convenor of the European committee, CEN 391 WG3 who published CEN TS 17091, which is the base document for the 22361 standard.
Jason Brown F.ISRM, Co-Chair of the Standards SIG, served as Chair of the Australian Defence Security Committee (1999- 2002), Senior Regional Vice President for ASIS International 2009-12, and was a Member of the ASIS International Standards and Guidelines Commission and Chair of the Asia Pacific Advisory Committee 2010-12.
He is currently Chair of the Technical Committee TC262 Risk Management for the ISO – International Organization for Standardization, as well as being Australian Head of Delegation to ISO TC292 Security and Resilience and Chair of Committee the Mirror Committee (Security and Resilience) Australian Standards.
Dr Zoran Kekovic F.ISRM is a Professor at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Security. He is engaged as a lecturer at the interdisciplinary MA ‘European and International Policies and Crises Management’ organized by the University of Belgrade. He is a visiting professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad, and the Faculty of Security and Protection, Banja Luka, Republic of Serbia. He is the Chairman of the commission for social security standards ISO/TC23 of the Serbian Institute for Standardisation, an expert of the ISO Directorate (since 2008), and a collaborator of the German Institute for Standardisation (DIN).
David Horobin F.ISRM is Crisis Management Cluster Head, at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. From 2010- 2017, he held the position of Head of Crisis Management and Security at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) providing policy, training and operational support for 18,000 ICRC staff in 80 countries for all emergency and security related incidents. Prior to that (from 2003-2006), he was Director of the Operations Team (CHASE-OT) at the UK’s Governments Department for International Development (DFID), managing a team of 45 experts in technical, operational and advisory roles as he led the UK’s emergency response to major international emergencies.
The Management Team will also include two representatives from the ISRM UAE and APAC Chapters. Membership of the SIG will be open to any ISRM member who has an interest in Standards and supports the group’s ToRs (Terms of Reference). There is also an ISRM Standards SIG LinkedIn group, that will be open to anyone, whether or not they are ISRM members.
As well as its representation on panels for Continuity and Resilience (CAR / 1) and Risk Management (RM / 1), the ISRM will be taking an active part in the discussions and consultations concerning ISO 22361 Security and Resilience - Crisis Management.
As Kev Brear is quoted as saying on the ISO website:
‘Crises present organizations with complex and difficult challenges that may have profound and far reaching consequences. These consequences can be very damaging, especially where it is perceived that the organization failed to prepare for, manage or recover from a crisis. There is a risk of significant damage to reputation, and possibly of the collapse of the business and its operations. In short, crises are of potentially existential significance to an organization.
This standard will provide the principles and good practice for the provision of a crisis management response, delivered by strategic decision makers of any organization of any size in the public or private sector. The intention is to aid the design and ongoing development of an organization’s crisis management capability.’
The ISRM believes that the establishment of the ISRM Standards SIG, and the engagement of the ISRM global membership, will only add to the strength and richness of the global discussion and the final Standard, once it is published.
37000 Organizational Governance Draft