Col (R) Thafar Maaitah, Ph.D, F.ISRM

(Jordan / UAE)
Joint ISRM Regional Director (GCC)

Colonel (Ret.) Thafar Maaitah has spent a career dedicated to national security and policing, international liaison and national and regional level strategic development, all backed with an academic background that has allowed him to be recognised as a multi-disciplinary thought leader in a wide range of local and international policing / security fields.

Colonel Maaitah served for many years at the Jordanian National Centre for Security and Crisis Management - NCSCM, Hashemite Royal Court as the head of Counter Terrorism Analysis Office, and was a member of the National Capability Assessment Team.

He has been Security Specialist at RTA /Dubai, Deputy Director of INTERPOL Amman, Special Police Desk, Police Division – DPKO- UN, and served as a member of multiple UN multi-national policing operations, including UNAMID (Darfur), UNMIBH (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and UNMIK (Kosovo). Col Maaitah was a member of the team responsible for drafting the UN MoU regarding special police assistance teams for member states.

Col Maaitah, has lectured in the field of ‘Law and Security‘ and ‘Radicalization and Terrorism’ at NATO Defense College, and is widely regarded as a leading speaker at international conferences and summits.

Colonel Maaitah is an active member of a range of international security and risk organisations.