Michael Fuller MBE, MBA, MA, F.ISRM


After holding a series of senior leadership and managerial roles during his successful 21-year career as a Commissioned Officer in the British Army, Michael has established himself as an expert across the defence, resilience and national security environments, in the UK and internationally, both as an individual and with his business, Global Resilience Partners.

Michael was the principal design consultant for the multi-agency National Olympic Security Co-ordination Centre in London’s New Scotland Yard for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games; this was the key capability in providing a national level of resilience, safety and security. Responsibilities included drafting the National Olympic Security Coordination Blueprint for the Olympic Security Directorate and Olympic Police Coordination Team. Following on from London 2012, he drafted the safety and security concept of operations for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil and designed crisis management centres and capabilities for the Kuwait oil and gas sector and Beirut policing and counter-terrorism. Global Resilience delivered risk assessment, information management and crisis management command and control training to the UK's International Nuclear Services organisation and between 2016-2018, the company implemented a secure IT solution for the UK’s Civil Nuclear Resilience organisations and for the Government’s EU Exit planning and negotiations.

Michael is in high demand as a national-level strategic planning and management consultant. He was recently the Portfolio Director for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Defence and Security Transformation Programme, where responsibilities included the design and management of multiple programmes to support the delivery of national defence and security capability.